I have green-living tips from back twenty years. I still enjoy living a life of echo friendly for the plant. My reasoning was a little unorthodox because I did not want to see a garbage truck out in the country where I live. So, I made adjustments to shopping for things that would not end up in the trash. This contest is by Airwear and also, LighterSaferGreener through cooperation of TwitterMoms.com to bring awareness to other moms on how to make the world a greener place.
#1 Tip
When I shop for meat, produce and other foods I look at the packaging. Some products really go over board with their plastic and Styrofoam to keep freshness in. While I also pick up dry goods as they are packaged in much less than the aluminum can goods. I do not like plastic bags to carry my purchases home but, I have yet to buy bags. This I know is banned in some counties and is also banned in a few states. At Christmas I do allot of collectable toys that can be displayed later. No wrapping of things and put them into home made stocking that is just huge. Other gifts are set up for play and look great around the tree.
#2 Tip
Getting foods from the good green earth. Rather from a friend or neighbor's garden or picking some up at a stand. Many times others have an over abundance of vegetables and share them. I have canned just about all that I received this summer. Picking fresh fruit is an enjoyable past time, we usually freeze the fruit as to use for the winter months. In addition we make our own soap for the laundry; it makes our cloths so soft and much whiter. Plus we make body lotions and oils for the tub and give some for gifts.
#3 Tip
In the warmer months we walk to most places or car pool. This saves on gas and less pollution. I have an economical vehicle and keep it up to par. We also, dress in warmer cloths for the winter months and keep the thermostat down below 65 degree's. All things that are not in use are unplugged. We also have a rule that the lights should be turned off when not in the room. Other wise you spin and you might get to give two dollars to the electric bill.
I’ve got a great + super simple tip. The next time you’re purchasing a gift card– go for the electronic (and paperless) option, an eGift card. Each year, 75 millions lbs of PVC is dumped into landfills from plastic gift card waste (Plenty Magazine). That’s an astronomical amount of waste for something that can easily and conveniently be sent virtually. PVC is notoriously difficult to recycle and cannot be tossed into the recycling bin along side your other household items. You must send those pesky plastic cards to a PVC recycling plant, the only one I know of is EarthWorks. For a directory of retailers that offer an eGift card, try http://www.giftzip.com …it is the most extensive one I have found to date. Hope that helped.