
How Do you Leave You Kid at Camp?

Yesterday I took my son to camp expected to be there at 3pm but, finally arrived at 4:30pm. This were going easy but, there was something that just wasn't quite right.
Meet his counselor, helped make his name tag, set up his bed and waited till he was comfortable with the other kids.
-Making a name tag so, there is a name to a face makes things personable.
-Making his bed makes him feel it's still his safe place to rest.
-Waiting till he finds his way with the other boys gives him time of finding common ground with them and them with him.
-Getting to know the counselor is my way of preparing release to a responsible party.
-Making a few photo's a arrival is nice with expectation in their eye's.
-Good byes are a must.
-Important that I talked him through what the camp would be like.
-I asked him to try new things this way when he comes home we can do more of the things he liked at camp. Ex horseback riding, climbing etc...

Making summer camps experiences as easy as possible so all is enjoyed.
So, How do you leave your kid at Camp?

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