
18 years to get it right: Educating the heart makes a Big difference

I went to my son's school this past spring and taught on the subject Freedom. What it is and how we should view this word. Freedom is a set of rules we all follow so, that we can enjoy life in a safe environment.

One of the kids said this "Ms M said we're like a family here" I agreed with her and added that's what we call conformity. We all follow the rules so, we have togetherness and respect for one another.

The class room had allot of interaction with my lesson we discussed:
Rules are like fences
Invisible fences
The rules of life autonomic, antomatic, conscious thought: as an example for following the laws of nature I used a tree growing upside down was they thought it was funny.

I explained about building a wall of habits. If they would build a wall that had bad conscious habits they might not like who they we're later in life. "Choose wisely your habits because one day taking one brick out of the bottom will be difficult."

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