
Success Skills Negotiations

Children are negotiation experts; why? They take no, as an opportunity of saying this is where the negotiation begins. Yes, with a simple NO.

Every situation we encounter with our children is a negotiation with them weather we see it or not. Their little minds are working to figure us out and how to get what they want/need. As time passes we have been forming them into the beings we hope will be happy and healthy people.

A past post I spoke about Herb Cohen's book parental-negotiating-nuggets. After an encounter tonight while getting ice cream I realized my child does feel his needs are the only ones that exist. He acted out that the ice cream was too heavy and too cold to touch. After arriving home I asked what was going through his mind. He said, "my heart and mind had a disagreement" I kept asking as to what about, he finally said that it was because he didn't know if that was the flavor he wanted after being told that Neapolitan wasn't in our best interest for apple dumplings. So, while going back I remembered a site that may help establish a more conscious skill of creating a win, win situation.

Here's a great site I hope will help "The TRACK MEET "
A tricky game of ethics and personal responsibility to yourself and the team

Have any other sites that maybe of help please use the comments for sharing. Thanks in advance.

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